Get your business in front of thousands of local collage students looking for deals.
Sign up at no cost and post up to 2 deals for free-no hidden fees.
We make money from a small student subcription, so business keep 100% of their revenue
"As a new app, we were surprised with Bizzy's results—it’s free, easy and brings in 20-30 students weekly, so we're happy to work with them"
– Sylvia, Playa Bowls GCTC
"Bizzy has been a great addition to growing our business especially with the college customer base! We've really enjoyed seeing college students excited to use the app at our Kava bar"
– Katie, KavaCulture Estero
"Bizzy has driven hundreds of college students to our store and we've only been working with them for a few months! It was easy to set up and no hassle to manage. Thank you Bizzy"
– Los, Zaxbys GCTC
Step 1: Sign Up
Step 2: Connect
Step 3: We'll do everything from here!